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Svalbard (Anglais)


6th edition, revised and completed – Scale 1/500 000

Detailed navigation maps of Isfjord, King’s bay and Krossfjord
Plans of Longyearbyen, Ny-Ålesund and Barentsburg
Historical and natural places – Polar explorers
Geological and sea ice maps – Polar ice
Birds, mammals, whales, flowers
Protected areas

Almost 60 % covered by glaciers and ice caps, and surrounded by sea ice, the
Svalbard Archipelago lies approximately 1,000 km from the North Pole and covers nearly 62,000 km² of the Barents Sea, one of the richest seas in the world.

The fauna has been ravaged by mankind in a very short space of time. Thankfully,
this landscape of icebergs, mountains and frozen fjords is now protected by the
seven national parks and twenty-four nature reserves established over the last few
That’s why more and more ships cruise these waters each year, bringing tens of
thousands of tourists to the sites described on this map, a map that’s a superb résumé of this pearl of the far north, a place as fragile as the ice and as formidable as
the high mountains and high seas that forged it.

ISBN : 978-2-918299-68-4
Parution : 2013-2015-2016-2018
Format : 70 x 100 cm

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